Haven't been too good the last couple of days. Probably a combination of eating and drinking too much. Mind you drank considerably less than last year.
The Turkey is almost finished, and ate the last of the chrimbo pudding yesterday.
Kids are watching Cat in a Hat.
A blog about me living with Leukemia (or Leukaemia, both spellings are correct). I want those who have or those who know somebody with Leukemia to know they are not alone. And maybe they might take away something good from my blog. Please click on an ad or two as the money generated will help pay for the transport costs to and from the clinic, which currently run at 30 to 45 euros every time I go. Any extra money left over at the end of the year will be donated to a Leukemia charity
Friday, 30 December 2011
Year almost over
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Alicante again. Last time this year and Striking Chemists.
Everything is OK. So my next visit is in a months time. Need to go and have an ultrasound check, to make sure my internal organs are in the right place. As I had quite an enlarged spleen, it was about 3 times bigger than it should have been, they now want to see if everything is back to normal, anyway I can get that done in the New Year.
Most of the chemists in Spain are on strike at the moment over the Government not paying them for dispensing NHS medicines. I know my local chemist was saying that medicines she dispensed on the Spanish NHS in June will be paid for in January. Lets hope I can order my next lot of Imatinib before it runs out on Christmas Eve. Here is a link to more news on striking chemists.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Blood test again
Its starting to get cold here in Spain. But tomorrow promises to be slightly warmer during the day.
Cut my hair yesterday, I do it myself its about a number 9 on the hair clippers. Seems to be about right for me. Did do a number 4 once but that looked far too short, and didn't suit me at all. This time a number 9 seems to be just right.
The pound seems to be doing well against the Euro I can see it breaking the 1.20 Euros to the pound before the end of the year.
Most of the kids presents have arrived from Amazon which is good. We also went mad and got a small trampoline for them too. This also arrived today. Just trying to work out how to wrap it. Should I set it up before and wrap it in tinsel or leave it boxed up and set it up on Christmas day. Mind you I'm in charge of the cooking on Christmas day. The inlaws bring the turkey and stuffing. My parents are bringing a gammon joint and christmas pud. and we do the roast potatoes (even got some ducks fat), small sausages, veggies and gravy. We will be serving mulled wine to start with. If its nice we may even eat outside, already thought about converting the barbecue into an outdoor patio heater. But looking at the forecast at the moment it will be too cold.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Beginners guide to Leukemia Part 2
Since white blood cells are made in the bone marrow I think we should look at what the bone marrow does.
The Function of the bone marrow
The bone marrow is found in the inside of bones. The marrow in the large bones of adults produces blood cells. About 4% of your total bodyweight consists of bone marrow.There are two types of bone marrow:
1. Red marrow, which is made up mainly of myeloid tissue.
2. Yellow marrow, is made up mostly of fat cells.
Red marrow can be found in the flat bones, like the breast bone, skull, vertebrae, shoulder blades, hip bone and the ribs. Red marrow can also be found at the ends of long bones, such as the humerus and femur.
White blood cells (lymphocytes), red blood cells and platelets are all produced in the red marrow. Red blood cells carry oxygen, and the white blood cells fight diseases. Platelets are essential for blood clotting. Yellow marrow can be found in the inside of the middle section of long bones.
If a person loses a lot of blood the body can convert yellow marrow to red marrow in order to raise blood cell production. (pretty cool)
White blood cells, red blood cells and platelets exist in plasma - Blood plasma is the liquid component of blood, in which the blood cells are suspended.
In the next part we will look at types of Leukemia.
Monday, 5 December 2011
The article is about exercise and its benefits for cancer sufferers.
I try and walk at least 15 minutes a day, and have been trying to find somewhere that does Tai Chi.
The article is by David Haas
As with healthy individuals, a regular regimen of exercise will help promote a healthier body for those undergoing cancer treatments or those in recovery. This holds true for all different types of cancer ranging from skin cancer to mesothelioma. Moderate exercise, when possible, will help promote:
Better mood;
Increase muscle tone and strength;
Higher physical energy;
Mitigation of fatigue;
Sharper mental capacity;
Increased endurance and stamina.
The National Cancer Institute has identified 2 studies demonstrating the benefits of an exercise program and cancer survival rates. In one study, women diagnosed with breast cancer who maintained a moderate exercise program had a higher survival rate than those who did not. The exercise consisted merely of walking 3 to 5 miles per week. In another, a home exercise program showed improvement in both the physical and psychological levels of women diagnosed with breast cancer and who previously maintained sedentary lifestyles.
In 2010, the e American Society of Clinical Oncology created new guidelines supporting exercise during cancer treatment. For most cancer patients, 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week is recommended. Walking, swimming, yoga and other moderate activities are recommended, depending on the fitness level and present condition of the individual patient.
The guidelines point out that the activity be tailored to the individual patient. For instance, those who were more active before the cancer treatment began are more likely to tolerate moderate activity, as opposed to those with a sedentary lifestyle prior to treatment.
However, beginning slow, not exercising to the point of severe fatigue and building up stamina over time can also benefit those who were not active in the past. There are other risks to consider, and precautionary measures that should be taken, such as those predisposed to infection. Extra caution should be taken with those patients, such as disinfecting equipment or avoidance of public fitness centers. But even these situations would not preclude some type of home fitness program.
Patients should consult with their oncologist / doctor / specialist in considering a fitness program for their needs. But the newest studies are favorable to beginning a fitness program as soon as possible during treatment.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Doctors again
I seem to have a slight permanent hangover as a result of taking the Imatinib.
When I explained to the doctor that I sometimes feel like I've had a few drinks the night before, he thought it was a good description of one of the side effects. He mentioned some others such as an itchy/reddish rash on the skin but I don't have this one or the puffiness around the eyes. Which is good news.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Blood tests and other things
Off to the specialist tomorrow.
I find keeping a positive attitude is definitely the way to go. People are quite surprised when I tell them I have leukemia,and how positive I am. But I count myself as very lucky (will probably say this over and over again) as only 15% get diagnosed with the version I have.
Been having a look at something called MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution apparently discovered by Bishop James Humble all it is is Chlorine dioxide. Now would you drink bleach, since that is what it is mainly used for and for the treating swimming pools. There are many claims of how effective it is, but I am dubious. Some of the photos on Mr Humble's site are obviously photo-shopped.
Why do peopel have to prey on the hopes of others. The FDA have also issued a warning about taking MMS.
So if you are thinking about taking MMS don't do it
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Counting the cost
Electronic casualties are,
- Home built media centre - network card failure. Just replaced this, so we can watch TV again. stored movies will have to wait.
- File server I also built this myself- network card failure- Will replace this tomorrow. This has all our DVDs on it. Plus music and photos. It links to the media centre.
- My PC - Completely dead. So I think dear Santa I want a new cool pc please.
- Telephone.Its the actual phone that's dead.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Deposit returned
Doing chicken in breadcrumbs for the kids for lunch today.
There is no school today due to the weather, its raining. rain here in Spain is like snow in England. If there is too much of it they shut the schools. The theory is that this lessons the number of cars on the road and therefore potential accidents. So most of the Costa Blanca is on Orange alert for severe weather.
I have so far got €2.19 from the adverts so keep clicking. This will get me about 18km (its a 200km round trip) or buy a coffee and cake in the cafe at the hospital. I am hoping that enough money is earned so that I can donate some to charity. That would be really cool, if I could do that.
Monday, 21 November 2011
Spain is blue
Most of Spain is now blue, after the general elections. Next step is do they bring back the peseta. :-)
Someone had heard from someone that I had Leukemia and that it is treatable, so they wanted to know what I was taking as they had just been diagnosed with Lymphoma I think that is what it is called in English. Told them that Glivec may not help them and its not cheap.
Watched children in need on Friday, got a little emotional when they did a piece on a boy who had Leukemia unfortunately he became very ill and died. It just made me realise how lucky I am, I call myself the 15%.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Weekend again.
I have been thinking about the last 2 years or so and have realised I have had some of the signs or symptoms of CML back then, such as always feeling tired. I just put that down to having to very active kids and not enough sleep and a dodgy back. ( I have a herniated disk in the L4-L5 region.).
I will do part 2 of the beginners guide to Leukemia next week.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Visit to the Doctor
Which means I am only taking the Glivec now. so no more Hydrea or Zyloric tablets. Which is good.
Back again in 2 weeks time.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Beginners guide to Leukemia Part 1
Leukemia is often referred to as a cancer of the blood. So what is a cancer.
Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
So in Leukemia this abnormal cell production is to do with white blood cells, usually called leukocytes there are 5 main types of white blood cells or leukocytes. Each one performs a different function.
The white blood cells are the soldiers of the body fighting off infections.
The different white blood cell types are:
- Neutrophil. These make up most of the white blood cells in the body. About 54–62% of the total white blood cell count( wbcc). Neutrophil cells target fungi and bacteria.
- Eosinophil. account for about 1-6% of the total wbcc in the body. They mainly target parasitic infections. And modulate allergic inflammatory responses such as hay fever
- Basophil. Account for less than 1% of the wbcc. The are responsible for release of histamine for inflammatory responses
- Lymphocyte. Account for 28-33% of the wbcc. Lymphocytes are much more common in the lymphatic system. There are 3 different types of Lymphocytes: B Cells (releases antibodies and assists activation of T cells), T Cells (play a central role in cell-mediated immunity) and Natural Killer Cells ( play a major role in the rejection of tumors and cells infected by viruses.).
- Monocytes. Account for 2-10% of the total wbcc. They can be considered the vacuum cleaner of the blood and share the function of neutrophils, but are much longer lived as they have an additional role: they present pieces of pathogens to T cells so that the pathogens may be recognized again and killed, or so that an antibody response may be mounted. Monocytes eventually leave the bloodstream to become tissue macrophages which remove dead cell debris as well as attacking microorganisms. Neither of these can be dealt with effectively by the neutrophils.
Blood test
My white blood cell count is now normal at 4500 should be somewhere between 4000 and 10000.
My haemoglobin is a bit low at 10.9 it should be 13 to 17.5. Slightly lower than 2 weeks ago.
Will have to wait and see what the doctor says on Wednesday.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Abu Dhabi Grand prix
Still no joy from Clinica San Carlos. So I guess I will have to phone them again on Monday to ask yet again about the refund of my deposit. The more people that get to hear about this the better I think, it would be nice to get the papers involved.maybe that's a good plan B. What I don't understand is why Clinica Vistahermosa didn't require a deposit. I'm just glad they didn't.
The money I am earning from the site is now at €1.67, so that's 13km worth of fuel I guess or a coffee and some change. Still pretty good as its more than I expected.
I see I have had views from Russia, The Netherlands, U.S.A, UK and of course Spain.
Pick up my new blood test results Monday. So hopefully everything is still going in the right direction.
I think Monday I will start my Beginners Guide to Leukemia.
Off to watch the rest of the GP. Massa has just entered the pits for the first time.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Wife's birthday
I bought her some flowers. Actual present is coming next week. So watch this space.
We all had a nice day with friends and family.
Hope to start posting next week what I have read about Leukemia.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Hmm something interesting I guess.
Internet is playing up but it could be due to the wet weather.
Still waiting for San Carlos Clinic to give me my deposit back.
Guess I will have to phone them up again, tomorrow.
Earned a whopping €1.32 so far from the adds on this site, at least that will pay for the coffee while waiting to see the doctor.Mind you its early days yet and that's not bad I suppose out of 100 visits I have had so far.
Just keep clicking.
Been doing some research into Leukemia and what it is exactly. Will post what I have found later this week.
I think the most important thing is to remember life goes on no matter what. And while I count myself lucky (only 15% are diagnosed with the Leukemia I have), I do understand that for some it can be difficult to come to terms with being diagnosed with Leukemia, especially if its not treatable. So for that I count my lucky stars.
I think this must be my longest blog.
Cold Sunday. Winter has arrived
Winter is arriving. Its been raining off and on for most of the week now. And the temperature has been dropping.
Been a relatively good day. The kids wanted chicken burgers again. So I was busy in the kitchen this evening.
Off to bed now.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Friday happy days are here again
Feeling quite up beat today, considering I had an awful nights sleep. Sitting in my favourite bar having a coffee and surfing the web.
Since this afternoon I have been really tired. Had a quick nap after lunch, then picked the kids at school. Fell asleep for about an hour at 8 this evening. So now its just after midnight and I am not tired.
Looking forward to the weekend.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Wednesday - good news day
Doctor was pleased with my test results. He said with the treatment I am on that I could be cured in less than 12 months. But it could take longer. Anyway my next visit is in 2 weeks time. Which is better.
I also weighed myself and I am still 68 kg, 6 weeks ago I was 76 kg.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Tuesday 1st November
I find that my best time of day is from about 08:30 until about 13:00 after that I need a sleep. Not very long about 45 to 60mins is fine. But I am definitely more sluggish in the afternoons. Physical things take longer.
More good news is that I fixed the dishwasher, only took a week. Would have taken me a day or two before. It was a small twig stuck in the drain pump impeller. Took it out put it all back together, and no bits left over. Did a quick 30 min wash and it worked. Its just finished a full wash with dishes. So yippee. Anyway better than spending a fortune for a guy to come out and do the same thing. Probably saved at least 100 euros.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Watched the Grand Prix, exciting start.
I cooked lunch, since we only had a couple of chicken fillets I decided to make chicken burgers, added onion, courgettes and carrots to the mix. Its a good way to get the kids to eat veggies. Did some roast potatoes, peas and carrots ( the kids favourite veggies).
Pick up blood the results of Friday's blood test on Monday. Then Wednesday its off to the Hospital to see the doctor.
Some friends of my parents said to them that their daughter had the same thing that I have and after eight months on the tablets she was cured.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Yesterday and today
Had yet another blood test today. Pick the results up Tuesday. Will be glad to get these weekly tests and visits over with, and go to monthly visits and tests.
The kids are off to a Halloween party tonight. I'm doing the makeup for them. Will post photos.
Still feel tired and have noticed that I get out of breath when walking up hills
Here are some picks of the Halloween family.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
The doctor phoned this afternoon to say I can start with the Imatinib (Glivec) (1 tab a day). The genetic blood test,must have shown presence of the Philadelphia chromosome thing. I still have to keep taking the other tablets.
Organised my car insurance as well. so that gets paid on Friday.
Not much else to say today. Yet another blood test either tomorrow or Friday.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Visit to the clinic in Alicante, again.
No real change. Things that need to come down have either stayed the same or gone down. And things that needed to go up have. so pretty good, I think.
Spent most of the morning fighting with the Hospital I was first in San Carlos Policlinic in Denia. As they took a 1000 Euros deposit which would be refunded once the payment guarantee from the insurance company arrived. which it did about 2 hours later. They are now claiming that I won't be refunded the money until they get paid. doesn't matter that I have gone over drawn and are now being charged instrest and an overdraft fee. So the car insurance won't be paid or the electricity until this gets sorted.
Phoned up the insurance company and they still hadn't received the bill from the hospital. Phoned the hospital and they said it was sent off Monday 24th Oct. Come on does it really take 14 days to make up a bill. Don't need this stress.
On a better note the doctor is happy that my blood test is about the same or better. Has increased my dosage of Hydrea to 2 in the morning and 2 at night. He is waiting for the reseults of the genetic blood test to see if I have the Philadelphia chromosome. This is where chromosome pair 9,22 swap tails. Once this has been confirmed I get to start the new meds. But he wants to make 100% sure before I start.
Monday, 24 October 2011
New meds day
Dishwasher is playing up seems to be a blockage in the drain pump.
So far I seem to do better in the mornings and early evenings, still need a short nap in the afternoon.

Sunday, 23 October 2011
The weekend
Hoping something better is on later.
Decided to make some bread, lets hope it turns out ok.
Will let you know later today.
Must check my lottery ticket tomorrow.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Wednesday18th to Friday21st
The chemists I use for the blood test organise directly with my insurance company for payment, so no payment from me yippee. The woman who took the blood out said I look really good when I told then what I have.
Finding I need to have a sleep in the afternoon,normally only about an hour is fine, though once I did sleep for about 2 hours.
Had a few emotional days and a few tears,don't know why, it just kind of came out.
Ordered the Imatinib on Friday cost is just over €2500. But my medical insurance company said they will pay for it, lucky me.
Looking forward to the weekend. Though no lie in as I have to take my first Hydrea tab at about eight in the morning. Might set it up so I can take it then go back to bed.
Not too sure if I will do daily updates or just weekly updates will see how I feel.
But next update will definitely be after my doctors appointment as this is when I start the new meds.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Had some breakfast in the cafe in the hospital. Then went off to the nearest shopping center, a good way to kill a couple of hours.
Lunch time, went to a Fosters Hollywood well that killed just over an hour. Only 4 more to go.
For afternoon tea found a nice Cafe that served all sorts of teas. I had Gunpowder Tea.
Yippee its nearly six . Time to make our way to the Hospital for the appointment at 18:30.
Saw the doctor and was happy with the blood test results, he upped my dosage of Hydrea to 3 times a day.
He also wrote out a prescription for imatinib. Its quite expensive he said. I had to have this by next Tuesday when he wanted to see me again. He said I could have the blood test taken nearer home if I wanted.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Told my son who is 5 that I have poorly blood. And told my daughter who is 8, that I have some naughty white blood cells that don't want to help fight infections, and the tablets I am taking stop them from making other white cells naughty.
Off to Alicante Tuesday.
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Had lots of phone calls from friends and family to see how I was getting on. Its always nice to know that people are thinking of you.
Will write more next week.
Friday, 14 October 2011
Getting to grips with home life
Decided at the moment that only very close friends and family will be told I have Leukemia, and the rest get told I have a blood disorder, and I am waiting for further test results.
Looking forward to the weekend
Its lovely to be at home again.
Need to sort out some medical insurance things, at least its a free phone number.
The meds(have been prescribed Hydrea twice a day and Zyloric once a day) I am taking at the moment are a temporary measure to try and just stabilise the condition. Will be seeing the doctor next Tuesday , blood test in the morning then early evening will see the doctor.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Home again Home again
Breakfast came and went. My wife phoned me just after dropping the kids off at the bus stop. Told her that I should be coming home today, but didn't know when. The my parents rang and said they would come over later to see me.
Had lunch and no news on when I was going home.
About 16:00 ish the doctor came in and said that I should be able to leave within the next couple of hours. He was going to write out a report and check that it was OK for me to leave.
Parents arrived at the same time as afternoon tea. The shortly afterwards the doctor came back with the report and said I could go home.
Couldn't get out of the Hospital quick enough.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
And tells me the news.You have Leukaemia. But don't worry he said reassuringly (what do you mean don't worry, its f@#$ing Leukaemia), its called Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (oh is that all I thought). Don't worry (there's that word again) its treatable by just tablets. Phew what a relief, I felt like my world had just swallowed me whole then spat me out again.
Had a little cry. Then rang my wife and parents to tell them the bad/good news.
Parents came over again to visit me.
The doctor came in again while my parents where there to say I should be able to go home tomorrow. Yippee.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Part 6 or is it a new beginning
at least I don't miss breakfast, which is 2 small cakes and coffee. Only another 4 and half hours to lunch. It seems the highlights of the day apart from when either my parents or wife come to visit is the arrival of food.
Met the Doctor again in the afternoon with the nurse. Bone marrow time.
The took it from the breast bone to say it hurt was an understatement. I dread to think what it would feel like without a local anaesthetic.The nurse was lovely she held my hand, I felt like a little kid at the dentists. Felt very weak and wobbly afterwards, but that soon went after ten minutes or so. And the good news is that I would need another one in 6months time. :(.
Guess I will know tomorrow what I have.
Off to Alicante or Stomach pains part 5
The crew arrived just after 08:30. I got onto the ambulance bed and they wheeled be into the back of the ambulance and off we went. I fell asleep for the journey and woke up about 10 minutes before we arrived.
I was transferred to an examination table, where they extracted yet more blood. I was then taken by wheel chair to a room with beds in it. There was a girl with a broken leg sitting in a reclining chair hooked up to a drip in the far corner. All the beds where empty. After a long wait I was shown to a room on the second floor which was the Haematology Department. The room was similar to the one in the other clinic but a little smaller, had a bigger TV though.
Lunch arrived at 12:30 ish and I was given a menu to choose what I wanted for dinner, and afternoon snack.
Very nice. Once they had cleared the the lunch away a women arrive who I thought was a nurse but turned out to be a hairdresser telling me about their services. Yeah right I really need that!!!!
The doctor saw me just after afternoon tea so about 17:30 ish. To tell me that he had an idea about what I had but needed to to more tests and possibly take a bone marrow test to confirm.
spent the rest of the day channel surfing and reading a Clive Cussler book.
Monday, 10 October 2011
Stomach pains part 4
The kids are coming over after lunch today. Ages are 5 and 8.
Lunch came and went and the family arrived. So nice to see them.
It made my day, cheered me up no end.
About 5pm they left and my parents arrived, they had been to see me everyday. Couldn't help wondering about those who don't have anyone or they are unable to come over must be terrible.
Friday, 7 October 2011
Stomach pains part 3
My wife phoned to say she was coming to stay the night. That cheered me up.
Not much to say watch lots of rubbish TV, thank god I have my Android tablet, no wifi though. But at least I have a couple of good books in the Kindle app.
My wife turned up just after about 7pm ish. Lovely to see her. Didn't talk that much other than what the kids had done that day at school and about the possibilities of what I have.
20:00 dinner arrived.
21:00 nurse came in to hook me up to the drip again, a combination of saline and a mild sedative.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Stomach pains part 2
A nurse came to my room with a wheel chair and wheeled me down to the CAT scan room. Started thinking of that joke where a man takes his dog to the vet. And the vet lets a cat walk past the dog, and says the charge for the cat scan is 200 pounds.
Via the cannula in my arm I was plumbed into some form of another contrasting agent.
About 30 minutes or so all done and wheeled back to my room starving, wasn't allowed breakfast. A nurse came in and plumbed me into a saline drip. And asked if I wanted some juice. I said yes, and she came back with a plate of biscuits, yoghurt and juice. It tasted lovely.
Yippeee its 13:30 and that means Lunch time. Countdown to dinner at 20:00.
Sometime in the afternoon the head surgeon came to my room and said that I had an enlarged spleen it was about 2.5 times larger than normal. He wanted to remove it, but wanted to wait and get a Haematology expert to look at the results. They tried to get me into another clinic that has a Haematology Dept. for Friday but the earliest would be Monday morning at 08:30. Oh great I can go home I thought. The surgeon said I would stay in the clinic until Monday.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Stomach Pains or is it ???????
I waited in this room, wondering what was happening for about 25 minutes. I was then told I would be staying overnight so I could have a CAT scan in the morning. I then sat in a wheelchair and taken to my room.Given a gown and told to put this on. About half an hour later I was wheeled down to X-ray and had an X-ray.
When I got back to my room I phoned my wife to let her know what was happening, and tell the kids I love them.Then told my parents.
I thought I would be home tomorrow afternoon.
Had a nice meal, can't remember what it was. At least the there was TV. Asked to pay a 1000 Euro deposit. which would be refunded once the payment guarantee from the insurance company arrives.
Finally went to sleep sometime after midnight.